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Adverse Events

Akin to the "unforced error" in sports culture, adverse events (AEs) are defined as unintended injuries during hospitalization rather than the original disease process. According to a recent study New England Journal of Medicine, the likelihood of a patient experiencing at least one adverse event is roughly 25%, and with 32M hospitalizations per year, adverse events are becoming an increasingly prevalent issue in today's healthcare institutions. On average, adverse events annually contribute to both 210,000 deaths and cost the US healthcare market $20B; this has led some experts to dub adverse events as the $20B problem.
Fortunately, many adverse events are believed to be preventable. In many cases, unusual fluctuations in a patient's vital signs often serve as an indication of an impending adverse event. For example, heart rate variability and increases in respiration rate and temperature levels have been identified to be common precursors to sepsis or infections.


Marked by heart rate variability, and increases in respiration rate and temperature

Patient Restlessness 

Marked by rapid fluctuation in in-bed activity or sudden increases in heart rate

Opioid Overdose

Marked by declining oxygen saturation levels and in-bed activity

Drug Interactions

Marked by heart rate variability, increases or decreases in respiration rate and blood pressure

Cardiac Arrest

Marked by heart rate variability, and changes in respiratory rates and systolic blood pressure

Increased Stress

Marked by declining heart rate beat-to-beat variability

Adverse Events

Learn how Darroch Medical is tackling one of the most challenging problems in healthcare

Unfortunately, many hospitals, especially in non-ICU units, face challenges in identifying these adverse event precursors as they are occurring; thus, many adverse events are reacted to at their onset, rather than actively being prevented.

Lack of Real Time Data

Systems outside of the ICU often do not provide data to healthcare practitioners remorely and in real time. Systems that do are expensive, have limited or no interoperability or rely heavily on EMR data

Demanding Patient Ratios

Non-ICU nurses may care for up to five or six patients at once. This makes it impossible to solely rely on manual monitoring of patients to observe event markers.

Poor Technology

Existing AI/Machine Learning adverse event anticipation algorithms often rely on poor datasets that have inconsistent timescales, miss values, and have no label for AE onset

As a result of these limitations, the most reliable method to understand a patient's physiology is to manually and physically assess the patient and their medical devices. If a nurse does not have the ability to do so, nurses often rely on the sound of various medical device alarms to prioritize their workflow, and this work flow becomes particularly problematic if nurses have multiple patients to care for, and worse still, if a nurse has multiple patients declining at once. Alarm fatigue paired with the immense task of adverse event prevention often makes patient care a herculean task.

With the growing shortage of nurses in the US, high levels of nurse burnout, and the aging nursing workforce, hospitals are in dire need of a robust, cost effective solution that enables non-ICU nurses to be alerted about changes in the condition of their patients regardless of their location in the hospital.

The Beat Analytics System

Learn how Darroch Medical's Beat Analytics System will reduce the number of adverse events and enable proactive decision making

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